
Getting creative with calligraphy and Hand Lettering

Embellishments and variations using the brush nib

Do it yourself – experiment with the colours and types of lettering, and explore the variety which the Pitt Artist Pen assortment has to offer. Use techniques like shadows, colour combinations, and twocoloured drawing. In particular, calligraphy using one light and one dark tone of the same colour creates plasticity and spatiality.

Embellishments and variations with the chisel nib

Get creative with the chisel nib as well: Mix the capital and lower case letters as you wish, or as you go, change the lettering from straight to wavy or slightly bent. A combination of brush and chisel nib is a great also a great option.


Formal envelopes
Invitations to a wedding or a formal affair not only require the mastering of calligraphy, but also familiarity with the etiquette of addressing envelopes. Many formal invitations are sent in two envelopes. The outer envelope is addressed using the complete name (e.g. Mr. and Mrs. John Sample), number and street, city, and possibly the country. The inner envelope should be addressed simply “Mr. and Mrs. Sample”. Formal envelopes are usually hand-addressed in either an italic or copperplate style. The name and address may be written left justifi ed, centred or staggered. Put the italic lining guide inside the envelope to keep the writing straight without having to draw lines on each envelope.

Creative envelopes 
Creative script adds great fl air to personal correspondence, such as letters, greeting cards, and invitations. Use a combination of contemporary brush and traditional calligraphy styles to transmit your message in a unique way. Try lettering the recipient’s name large, and then writing their address in a different colour in a much smaller size. Experiment with different layouts, such as writing the name at an angle, in a shape or on a curve.

Hand lettered cards

Designing greeting cards is a great way to master new calligraphic styles. Delight friends and family by creating customised cards just for them. Enhance the design with a calligraphic border, or hand drawn image (e.g. heart or star).

Tip: Use glitter, gems, and ribbon to embellish the cards.


Hand lettering is a wonderful way to add a personal touch to a collage. Letter a caption, a name, date or the title of an event in between the pictures, in order to add interest and drama to the page. 
Coloured transparent paper is perfect for lanterns with a personal touch. That way, even old lampshades shine in a new light.

Be creative and keep your eyes open! All around you, in your everyday life you will fi nd things you can perhaps make even more beautiful with calligraphy: your old notebook, the kitchen calendar, or even your mobile phone case.

Gift tags and labels
Give a homemade gift to your loved ones! Chocolates, jams, biscuits or pesto: it is almost too much of a shame to unwrap such a beautiful package with its personal dedication, and then to eat the treat. With homemade tags, even a boring kitchen herb container can become an eye-catcher! They are also perfect for the flowers on your balcony.
Design your own bookmarks which match to your favourite book.